Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chef notes

I have this Blog to keep me energized and confident  in what I do and inspire to be .A great chef ..
I know I should write more it would help .
 But lately I just want to vent  about the decisions made in life and careers that I cannot control  .
This might not make sense to you but its clear to me .  And those old-world chefs. As you get older and look at all the bullshit- and lies in this profession and this world,
I now  see why chef work for themselves and have silent - very silent partners ...
 I know I am not great but its my constant drive to be great that has gotten me this far .
Now lays new challenges ahead the chef world is challenging its no longer how great you cook - who you studied under - the countless hour of training and dedication to a chef or a kitchen . Everyone has a concept or an idea of a concept  the want you to make it flourish but at what cost ,
to your talent - ideas-imagination knowing something can be perfected-elevATEd. when do we as chefs dumb ourselves down for an Idea.
when do we say yes to TV show for free P.R or endorsements when do we just Cook and put our Passion on the Plate . A Restaurant  was always an occasion and an experience, Look at our great chefs now  all they do judge people on cooking shows is that the new measure of greatness to become the next Judge on a food show . When do we see a return to Cooking.

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